What are some bands you psychos would love to see INK collaborate with? For me, for INK to amke a song with KoRn would be an absolute dream!
I can only imagine how Spencer's and Jonathan Davis' voices would work together. Especially as they are two of my favorite vocalists and Jonathanhas some killer grows.
I also know bith bands are quite collaberative and KoRns newer sound would go verry well with INK's musical style, I think.
Would love to hear what other bands you think they should collaborate with.
Starting the day with coffee and Miles' livestream before what's gonna be a busy day.
I'm gonna to get a workout in, then run a personal errand before getting my home ready for a friend who comes to visit tonight. We're gonna watch the original Pet Semetary and probably the Funeral Derangements video as well.
I'm gonna make a chocolate cake and crumbe it and put it in desser glasses, so it looks like funeral dirt.
So Inwatched The Crow renake last night, and here is what I think. Please remember this is only my opinion, and if you disagree, that is completely fine.
As a remake, I did not like the interpretation of the story. They changed too much while still trying to keep it somewhat similar. It would have been better if they just made a bew set of chsracter with their own story with the same concept.
Second, the pcing was just too slow for me. I felt like I waited ⅔ for the movie to even start, and the majority of the runtime is just melodrama.
I liked the action scenes, however. I feel like the people who made this just wanted to make a beautiful movie, but the execution could have been better. I definitely prefer the original.
Please, nobody get mad, as this is just for me perconally. Take what you want from this.
Does anyone have any theories on the PRETTY EVIL post? My first thought was maybe a clothing brand á-la Kleaver? Cause the font and the crosses reminded me of that, more so than the typical INK Horror Movie Aesthetic of their Albums.
It could also be music or some sort of collab? It'll be exciting to see what it actually is! Nothing like a good mystery.
Cracking open my birthday present this year. I don't know if on not allowed to show alcohol brands on here. If I'm not, I'm terribly sorry.
Another year completed around the sun, another closer to the grave🪦
Will be watching a movie later and will be properly celebrating with a birthday dinner at a restaurant with a couple of friends later this week.
It's an honor sharing my birthday with Mar10 day! Recdntly found this out ald love Super Mario! 😂
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