As our Community grows, it's important for us to remember that this is a home for every single Psycho in the universe. We are all here for our mutual love of horror, music and arts. Therefore we must treat each other like family, there is NO ROOM for bullying, harassment, violence, etc.
We have the right to remove users for breaking our terms and agreement, and we will do just that to make sure no one feels uncomfortable.
Please reach out to our KILLER mods if you have ANY kind of issue; TammyM, @{TUpfSU5LLPCdlYTwnZWS8J2Vo/Cdlaog8J2VgfCdlaAg4oSd8J2VmvCdlZXwnZWa8J2Vn/CdlZjwnZWk!}, whiskeysour, PsychoCamO, JakeySpades, TheTallMan, capsunshine.
We're here for you Psychos.
Honestly, I don't know why thoughts come to me at night when I should be sleeping. But right now I understand that yesterday I almost made a fatal mistake. And no, I don't want to erase from my memory the one who became the whole meaning of my life. If someone doesn't like to hear his name or read about him, forgive me, but I'm not writing for hate or unnecessary advertising. This person is really important to me. And I will not stop saying that I suffered for him! And his happiness and the happiness of those around him are important to me. That's why I will never expose my principles and will not cause pain. ...
You've never known pain before...
Cain before...
But I'm gonna show you...
You've never been drained before...
Shamed before...
But I'd love to share...
You've never known insane before...
Deranged before...
I'm here to show you...
I owe you nothing... 🔥🎃🔪
It’s a miracle I still have my job. My director and two managers met with me and my two coworkers to hear our feedback about the AI. We do the more complicated work so they know they’re screwed if we quit. It was very difficult to not tell them to take the AI and serve it up their asses. I just left it at there was no benefit to the AI because it just doubles our work load since we still have to make sure the AI was actually accurate. Technology will be the end of us. Didn’t anyone see The Terminator? 🙄 ...
3h ago