As our Community grows, it's important for us to remember that this is a home for every single Psycho in the universe. We are all here for our mutual love of horror, music and arts. Therefore we must treat each other like family, there is NO ROOM for bullying, harassment, violence, etc.
We have the right to remove users for breaking our terms and agreement, and we will do just that to make sure no one feels uncomfortable.
Please reach out to our KILLER mods if you have ANY kind of issue; TammyM, @{TUpfSU5LLPCdlYTwnZWS8J2Vo/Cdlaog8J2VgfCdlaAg4oSd8J2VmvCdlZXwnZWa8J2Vn/CdlZjwnZWk!}, whiskeysour, PsychoCamO, JakeySpades, TheTallMan, capsunshine.
We're here for you Psychos.
Hey psychos....this has been a really tough time. Last Friday, my bestie got out of the hospital and came to stay with me. Unfortunately, by Sunday, I had to call an ambulance to take her back. She is currently on a ventilator, her liver is failing, she has a severe blood infection, and is running a fever. Her sister and I have been in constant contact, going back and forth to the hospital, talking to doctors, and hoping that all of the meds they are pumping into her start helping. Her skin did look a little less yellow yesterday, so that's an improvement. I am hoping that the fever means that her immune system is fighting the infection, and that she's strong enough to beat it. I never thought I'd see my vibrant, beautiful friend like this, and it's scary how fast she went downhill. Hug your friends and family....tell them you love them every chance you get. I'm so grateful that I got to tell her how much I love her, and I am praying every day that she pulls through. ...